
Breast augmentation are divided into:
(1) below the areola, (2) armpit, (3) bottom of the breast, etc. Because Asians tend to develop scars more easily, they generally cannot accept scars below the breast or next to the areola and also consider pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, the most commonly used method of breast augmentation in Asian countries is still the “armpit incision” for breast augmentation surgery, with less noticeable scars that can be hidden in the armpit fold. Additionally, it is less likely to damage important blood vessels and disrupt breast tissue. However, the incision under the armpit is a distance away from the breast, where a 3-4 cm incision is made to separate the pectoralis major to create a spacious pocket for the breast implant, which is not so easy. At this time, endoscopy is the best helper for breast augmentation surgery!

In our surgery process, we use endoscopy. The main advantage of endoscopic breast augmentation is the precise separation of the appropriate “pocket” during the surgery, resulting in a more accurate placement of the implant, unlike traditional methods. Moreover, there is no bleeding during the surgery and no need for drainage tubes afterwards. As for pain, because the pectoralis major is directly separated using an electric cautery knife rather than using “brute force” to pull the muscle apart, the postoperative pain is lower, allowing discharge on the same day of breast augmentation surgery.

The motivation for breast augmentation, such as being naturally thin with insufficient chest fullness, postpartum breast sagging, or for aesthetic or work-related reasons, etc. Most women who seek advice often have many misconceptions influenced by information on the internet. For example, the most expensive must be the best, it’s better not to massage, the newest is safer. However, with different body types, breast conditions, needs, and desired size and touch, the actual measurement of the chest shape by a doctor is essential.

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